Free energy efficiency workshop in Kirkland Nov. 12

SustainableWorks, a local community nonprofit, is hosting a “Save Energy Today” event to help homeowners save energy this winter - no mittens or extra sweaters required.

SustainableWorks, a local community nonprofit, is hosting a “Save Energy Today” event to help homeowners save energy this winter – no mittens or extra sweaters required.

During the event, homeowners will learn how to take advantage of state funding and local incentive programs to make their home more energy efficient.

The event is possible because of a partnership between the city of Kirkland and SustainableWorks, and will take place from 5:30-8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at Heritage Hall in downtown Kirkland at 203 Market St. Attendees will have a chance to win a free one-day energy improvement and efficiency assessment (a $1,200 value).

Thanks to funding from the Washington state Legislature, SustainableWorks is able to offer $150 “Save Energy Today” assessments and up to $2,000 in additional incentives for home energy efficiency upgrades. The purpose of the SustainableWorks program is to help homeowners make home improvements that reduce their energy use and lower their carbon footprint.

Program participants can save on upgrades including furnaces, heat pumps, air sealing, insulation, water heaters and solar. To learn more about the program, or to sign-up, please visit or call (206) 575-2252.

The “Save Energy Today” home assessment includes analysis of your home’s energy usage as well as a same day installation of energy saving measures, such as compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs, duct sealing, pipe insulation, and air sealing.

Program participants will see immediate energy savings and learn how to make their home even more efficient. The “Save Energy Today” program is made possible through funds from the State of Washington. After the “Save Energy Today” assessment, homeowners can also work with SustainableWorks to make deeper energy efficiency improvements or add solar to their home.