The following is a release from Sen. Rodney Tom’s office:
Students in Washington State will soon have new graduation requirements aimed at improving their success after high school. Gov. Jay Inslee signed Senate Bill 6552 into law which increases the number of credits required to graduate from high school to 24 credits, and provides funds to do so. The law directs the State Board of Education to develop rules regarding the changes for the graduating class of 2019.
Senate Majority Leader Rodney Tom, D-Bellevue was a key sponsor of the legislation to improve student achievement.
“We really need to make sure our students are prepared for an increasingly challenging work environment. By making sure students have a well-rounded education and a solid foundation in the basics, we will be setting our students up to compete in a highly competitive global economy,” said Tom.
The law also makes needed enhancements to school funding formulas for secondary schools by expanding the number of science lab classes, increasing counselors and allocations for maintenance, supplies and operating costs.