City of Kirkland is letting annexed areas languish | Letter

I wholeheartedly agree with the opinion that Kirkland is allowing its annexed areas to languish.

I wholeheartedly agree with the opinion that Kirkland is allowing its annexed areas to languish. I have lived in Juanita for 10 years, and although I love this neighborhood, my main challenge is having to leave the city to do the majority of my shopping.

When the Albertson’s on 132nd left, my neighbors and I day-dreamed about the possibility of one of our favorite stores moving closer. Absolutely no one hoped for a Goodwill on this prominent piece of land.

If Kirkland citizens are leaving town to shop, is it not in the city’s best interest to attract those stores and bring that revenue here? It would be a huge disappointment to the community to miss the opportunity to improve, rather than devalue, that property.

Molly Delamarter, Kirkland