Lake Washington School District needs more volunteers | Letter

I am not certain if Cynthia has spoken with the PTA or office at the school where her children attend but I suspect they would love her grammatical, historical reference and distribution assistance.

I am not certain if Cynthia has spoken with the PTA or office at the school where her children attend but I suspect they would love her grammatical, historical reference and distribution assistance. I have not run into any school in the Lake Washington School District that does not welcome volunteers.

One of the reasons those of us with two students at the same school receive duplicate copies of documents is because it is difficult to coordinate distribution of materials for all students and avoid duplicates getting sent to the same household without additional volunteer resources.

There are often grammatical errors on materials because individuals do not take the time to proofread or send materials to an editor (if one exists) before a deadline for distribution. As for the inventor of the fortune cookie, it appears the internet is debating itself on that subject.

Wikipedia believes it was David Jung but other sites list the individual as Charles Jung. Hard to say what the definitive answer is but I wonder if he changed his name based on a suggestion from a fortune cookie.

Johnmichael Monteith, Kirkland