Appalled at Kirkland City Council voting for mass transit on CKC | Letter

I am appalled that the Kirkland City Council voted to endorse mass transit on the Cross Kirkland Corridor (CKC).

I am appalled that the Kirkland City Council voted to endorse mass transit on the Cross Kirkland Corridor (CKC). It would be an unmitigated disaster to have bus or rail running on the surface through densely populated areas of our town for so many reasons that it is tantamount to letting kids play on the freeway. There are only two sane options for rapid transit for Kirkland. First, along the I-405 corridor for either bus or rail. Two, a tunnel from one end of the city border to the other end, with appropriate boarding stations for either option.

I moved here from a Northern Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C., and frequently commuted by DC Metro rail to work. It was built, and provided, safety and convenience of the public. Through all densely populated areas the subway is underground, including under the Potomac River. In less populated areas it runs along the freeways protected by high fences. I suggest that out City Council members visit DC to ride and observe how rapid transit should be built.

I believe that the City Council, and all Kirkland residents for that matter, should fight like hell to stop surface rapid transit through Kirkland for the safety and ambience of this once quaint bedroom town.

Edward Bell, Kirkland