The governor had this wonderful idea the other day. Take the mismanaged ferry system away from the state and make it the tax burden of the counties in which it operates. Or take the I-5 expansion (will there ever be one?) in Lewis County paid for by the citizens there, instead of a responsibility of the entire State of Washington Transportation budget. Nevermind the cause of the mismanagement.
Now comes our Lake Washington School District with a fresh new levy in February. They want us to give them a blank check to build facilities in parts of the county where growth is projected. Why don’t we do the same thing Ms. Governor proposes? Hang the price of growth in Redmond and Sammamish on those folks, not us. We got our Taj Mahal at Lake Washington High School (without fixing up the existing structure). Let them pay for their 50-year edifice from their own pockets, not ours.
Maybe it is time to cut back this behemoth called LWSD and construct a much simpler one called KSD (Kirkland School District). We would not need a group of super-charged payroll administrators and giant education unions that dictate our education policy. The people could certainly find a better way to improve our kids’ math scores beyond what we have paid for the last decade or so. Why not hire an all-Chinese math department? Bring them in by the container load! Lower price, better quality.
If this levy plan is so good, why does it take such an expensive promotion — four color exotic flyer, letters to the editor, attempted denial of Paul Hall’s contentions. He is an unbiased expert!
I don’t believe the administration’s economic frugality comes through. “High priced” they are. We could do nicely without them or their levy. One way just would be with a smaller Kirkland School District. Another would be with publicized, above-board labor negotiations with the unions. Mr./Ms. Administrator – think and talk a little more about value engineering, please! You are scaring us!
R. W. (Dick) Ekins, Kirkland