As the parents of two toddlers in the Lake Washington School District (LWSD), we are starting to think about the type of public education our children will receive. My husband and I recently moved here because of the area’s reputation for good public schools. However, we are hearing about overcrowding in the schools’ classrooms and the negative impact that is having on student learning, which is making us very concerned about our kids’ education prospects.
The Lake Washington school district is one of the fastest growing in the state, and that growth is projected to continue. As a result, students are receiving instruction in places not meant to be classrooms and there are a lot of portables, which are not meant to be a long-term solution. We moved here because we wanted a great public education for our kids, and that is unlikely to happen under the current conditions. That’s why we are supporting the LWSD April 26 school bond measure, which will improve students’ educational opportunities without raising our tax rate.
The April 26 school bond measure takes advantage of good fiscal planning and timing. By paying off other district bonds and levies, the school district can fund this bond proposal without raising our tax rate. And bond approval ensures that the district is eligible for state matching funds to make sure our local investment goes even further. You can learn more about the proposal by visiting the school district website at
I hope Lake Washington School District voters will join us in voting yes for schools April 26.
Dina Yadlin, Kirkland