PSE process for powerlines does not reflect neighborhoods | Letter

PSE’s Energize Eastside Community Advisory Group (CAG) process is deeply flawed and does not represent the preferences of the neighborhoods.

PSE’s Energize Eastside Community Advisory Group (CAG) process is deeply flawed and does not represent the preferences of the neighborhoods. It is now well acknowledged that the data collected is statistically invalid, as even PSE’s own CAG representative said it is “meaningless to the process of scoring neighborhood values for the purposes of determining a preferred route.”

PSE unilaterally eliminated several viable alternative solutions to support growth on the Eastside before it began the CAG process.

The undersigned neighborhood members of the CAG respectfully ask all five cities to formally notify PSE that the CAG process does not represent the will of the neighborhoods, that this project would significantly violate neighborhood character and to either stop wasting time on it or restart it with other options for the CAG to consider.

There are too many non-neighborhood stakeholders on the CAG and not enough of the affected neighborhoods are represented, thus PSE stacked the deck against the neighborhoods. PSE and their consultant Enviroissues have purposely manipulated a process that is not fair, accurate, thorough nor transparent.

The neighborhoods need the City of Bellevue (the lead agency) to have several other options independently studied prior to the EIS and SEPA review process commencing.



The PSE Community Advisory Group members or alternates signed below:

Steve O’Donnell, Somerset

Ruth Marsh, Somerset

John Merrill, Somerset

Norm Hansen, Bridle Trails

Warren Halverson, Bridle Trails

Lindy Bruce, Sunset Hills

Dick Morris, Sunset Hills

David T. Edmonds, Olympus

Sean McNamara, Olympus

Larry Johnson, Olympus

Jeff Dubois, Greenwich Crest

Scott Kaseburg, Lake Lanes

Donald Miller, Lake Lanes

Sally McCray, Lake Lanes

Dr. Richard Kaner, Lake Lanes

Darius Richards, Kennydale

Mark Hancock, Kennydale