Whatever one may think of European ideas, one must admit that their cities offer a much friendlier human urban environment than U.S. cities.
One common thread running through most cities from Scandinavia and the Baltic countries to the Mediterranean is that dense mixed commercial and residential areas, not just in the old city cores but also in the newer developments, have most of their buildings no more than 4 to 6 stories high. This is curious given the different history, culture, climates, politics and economies of that continent.
So, the question is: what is it that THEY know that we don’t or that WE know that they don’t??
Cities with tall buildings, which create a dark and cold canyon effect, already abound in Puget Sound. If we want to keep Kirkland different and more inviting than all the other regional cities, we must keep it low, green and pedestrian friendly. Let us create buildings that fit our overall plan for the long term and not just the short-term needs of particular businesses.
Shawn Etchevers, Kirkland