Jeff Jared’s column is one trick pony | LETTER

I would like to ask the Reporter why they provide regular column space to Jeff Jared? I understand that a newspaper should allow for the expression of a wide variety of views, even fringe views like those regularly expressed by Jared.

I would like to ask the Reporter why they provide regular column space to Jeff Jared? I understand that a newspaper should allow for the expression of a wide variety of views, even fringe views like those regularly expressed by Jared.

The problem is that Jared is the opinion column equivalent of the “one trick pony”; he has essentially one opinion on every issue and that’s that we privatize everything. That’s all he brings to the table and I think we’ve all figured out that this represents his opinion on every issue.

Unless he can provide more substance than that I see no reason to provide him with a soapbox from which he can beat the same drum over and over again, month after month.

Mr. Jared should certainly be able to write a letter to the editor like everyone else but it certainly seems to me that providing him special privileges as a regular columnist can no longer be justified.

Please consider replacing his column with someone else who can provide a different perspective on the issues and can provide some more food for thought on the issues. Thank you.

Larry Knapp, Kirkland