48th District candidate Tebelius would bring fiscal responsibility to state

Let’s send a math teacher to Olympia to restore a balanced budget to Washington State. Diane Tebelius has the experience and knowledge of governing to succeed and will help to bring fiscal responsibility back to our state.

During the 50 years that this writer has lived in the Bellevue area I have seen the results of excess government. Our schools have declined in educational value, while costs have increased. Our taxes have been increased and the government’s income has been spent unwisely. Our care taking government is taking without caring.

The current legislature in Olympia has overturned Initiative 960, which was intended to control the excesses mentioned above.

It is impossible for families to prosper if spending exceeds income. The same is true of all government, local as well as federal.

Local control of spending should be maintained by those who can do the math.

Let’s send a math teacher to Olympia to restore a balanced budget to Washington State. Diane Tebelius has the experience and knowledge of governing to succeed and will help to bring fiscal responsibility back to our state.

Patricia M. Drew, Bothell