I write in response to recent letters criticizing the 45th Legislative District Democrats’ endorsements in Kirkland City Council races of Brad Larssen, Karen Tennyson, and Tom Hodgson. These criticisms include misconceptions about the Democratic Party and its role in elections. I am proud of the 45th District’s endorsement process, which is very open, transparent and inclusive. Kirkland voters should have confidence that our endorsement decisions reflect the consensus of local Democrats, whether or not they personally agree with the decisions. Political party organizations in the state routinely make endorsements in all manner of elections. Our rules state: “Endorsements may be considered for any candidate or ballot proposal for which at least one registered voter in the 45th District is entitled to vote.” Participation on our Endorsement Committee is open to all interested members. This year the committee interviewed every council candidate who requested our endorsement. There is no requirement of party affiliation of any kind, although part of our decision process is a determination that they “show support of Democratic values and ideals.” Actual endorsement decisions are made at an open public meeting where all of our members are encouraged to participate. We have a high standard for making endorsements; a two-thirds super-majority vote by our membership. Our decisions in the council races easily exceeded this standard.
Martin Chaney, Chair, 45th LD Democrats