If you like $4 gas then U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell is your candidate. She is the chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Energy. That’s neither a typo or a joke. Energy!
She condemns anything that will help reduce our dependence on foreign oil or lower the price of gasoline. She champions energy alternatives that can only compete with huge taxpayers subsidies. Maria we have been subsidizing solar for 35 years and it still is three times more expensive than the alternatives.
She and her cronies (like Congressman Jay Inslee) have been responsible for exporting hundreds of thousands of energy jobs to Canada, Mexico, and countries out to destroy us. And she has the gall to say she is going to create jobs? She is a prime job destroyer. Maria, at best we will be off oil in 50 years. In the meantime, we are draining our wallets to subsidize your pet energy alternatives.
Does anyone wonder why PSE needs a 11 percent rate increase during 3 percent inflation? To pay for solar and wind.
We should be exploiting American energy resources, WITH AMERICAN LABOR for American consumption. Something that will never happen with Maria Cantwell in the Senate. So, shoot yourself in the foot Washington, vote for Maria and vote for higher gas prices, higher food prices and fewer jobs.
Jerry Forell, Kirkland