Join 500 students, teachers, parents and community members for Eastside MathFest 2012 from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, March 24 at Lakeview Elementary School, 10400 N.E. 68th St., Kirkland.
Participate in this unique celebration of Eastside Partner elementary students and math, hosted by non-profit Explorations in Math and Lakeview Elementary.
This is a one-of-a-kind event where first through fifth graders and their siblings go from one booth to the next playing math games. While playing, students build their confidence in and enthusiasm for math, and see that the community supports their achievements.
This event is for students attending: AG Bell Elementary, Ben Franklin Elementary, Clyde Hill Elementary, Chestnut Hill Academy, Lakeview Elementary, Mark Twain Elementary, Peter Kirk Elementary, Rachel Carson Elementary, and Rose Hill Elementary.
To register for Eastside MathFest 2012, visit
Only pre-registered attendees will be admitted. Please select your preferred rotation time when registering: 1-2:30 p.m. – first MathFest game rotation; or 2:30-4 p.m. – second game rotation.
Due to capacity limits, no on-site registration will be available. Contact with any questions.