Changes to pedestrian safety in Kingsgate | Letter

Many of our neighbors have noticed speeding on 119th Avenue in our neighborhood appears to have increased over the past few months.

Many of our neighbors have noticed speeding on 119th Avenue in our neighborhood appears to have increased over the past few months.

This was verified by a traffic study that the city of Kirkland conducted 119th Avenue between Northeast 149th and 150th on July 18-24. The city interprets this data in many different ways, but the bottom line summary is this:

Out of the 9,896 vehicles counted that week, 30 percent were going 30 mph and higher. And if you look at the southbound traffic alone, 36 percent were driving this fast. If we look at percentages exceeding 25 mph, the total was 76 percent, and southbound was 81 percent.

As a mother with two small children living in this area, I walk my children to school along 119th Avenue in Kirkland. During the time that small children are walking to and from school; between 8:30-9:30 a.m. and 2-4 p.m., I have noticed significant safety issues including speeding and drivers not stopping for people, including children entering crosswalks along 119th Ave without a crossing guard.

With the recent tragic accident of a man being hit and killed while properly using a crosswalk in the 144th and 119th Avenue intersection which happened during the time that small children were walking home from school, along with the above safety issues, I would like to urge for your support on the attached proposed changes to enhance the safety in this area.

Thank you for your time, attention and support for the safety of young children in this area.

Christie Olson, Kirkland