It is interesting to note that G.G. Getz is a realtor, (“My Turn: Parkplace project to spur economic vitality,” Sept. 17 issue). I am aware that the views of realtors and developers don’t always align with what is best for the community. The dollar doesn’t always have to be the bottom line. I also wonder how the creation of much more retail space will reverse the number of empty storefronts. Seems to me that this would only increase the problem. I don’t understand why Kirkland needs to compete with Bellevue, especially when factoring in the costs of increased traffic downtown and in our neighborhoods. Kirkland is special. We have something that Bellevue may have had at one time, but traded for what it has become. I purchase in Kirkland because of the atmosphere and sense of community and the “small town” feel. I don’t get that feeling when forced to travel to or through Bellevue. Annexation has already put one large nail in Kirkland’s future. Let’s not add another.
Chuck Bonin, Kirkland