We are not a nation of justice, but injustice. Our Constitutions protect only the innocent from the heavy hand of the judicial systems and governments. We are protected from wrongful persecution, court decisions, intrusions and wrongful criminal prosecutions. We are not protected from criminal acts. The guilty are not protected by technicalities of courts. True justice is only achieved when the guilty receive their earned punishment in full and the innocent are relieved. True justice comes when accusations are proved beyond a doubt before prosecution, so the innocent are never placed in jeopardy.
We will continue to be a burdened society until we wake up and realize we don’t have to keep it this way. We are a republic, we can change any law, politician or judge by the means necessary to get our country back on course. We have gone from a country ran by the people, for the people, to one ran by out of control politicians, lawyers and interest groups. Injustice doesn’t reside only in our judicial system, but in Congress, the White House, state legislatures and the governor’s offices.
One of the most insidious examples of injustice is fevered political affiliation. Politicians and political parties use this fault in voters to get you to vote for the most manageable unqualified and incapable politicians and judges. If your lot is bad now or you want it to get worse, keep voting the way you have. Big government means poverty for everyone, less jobs, less opportunities, less economic growth, increased economic down turns, more political corruption, more government intrusion, increased crime and economic depression.
Don’t worry about the rich. Once oppressive big government uses the money of the rich to control the middle and lower voting classes, they will go after the rich and very rich and they won’t have anywhere to hide themselves or their money.
Ed Ott, Kirkland