Editor’s Note | Ask the City of Kirkland

As a community source of information, we get many e-mails and phone calls from readers asking us questions of all sorts.

As a community source of information, we get many e-mails and phone calls from readers asking us questions of all sorts.

Some inquiries relate to a story or news item we published and we can answer them in a snap.

Other questions are not so easy.

One such question came up last fall when a reader was upset about neighbors who blow or rake their leaves into the street. He asked: “Are there any laws or city guidelines on the subject?”

We turned to the City of Kirkland for an answer. We found out the city does have a code (Kirkland Municipal Code 11.64.050) that prohibits a person from sweeping or depositing any litter, refuse or rubbish into a city street, gutter or public place.

Another reader asked us what code stipulates that the city manager should live in Kirkland.

According to city officials, RCW 35A.13.050 contains provisions for city manager qualifications. Among them is that the city manager “need not be a resident at the time of his/her appointment, but shall reside in the code city after his/her appointment unless such a residence is waived by the council.”

We would like to be able to answer all the questions we receive, but sometimes we need some help.

The Reporter is partnering with the city to offer an “Ask the City” section that will allow readers to ask questions that relate to a city program, service, project or code.

Send us your questions and the city will provide you with an answer. Questions will be answered on a space-available basis.

Please send questions to: letters@kirklandreporter.com.