Flyers with disinformation about Matt Isenhower | Letter

I recently received two flyers in the mail, both from the Good Government Leadership Council, and both saying that Matt Isenhower, the Democratic candidate for State Senate in the 45th district, is a Republican.

I recently received two flyers in the mail, both from the Good Government Leadership Council, and both saying that Matt Isenhower, the Democratic candidate for State Senate in the 45th district, is a Republican. I was skeptical, so I looked them up online and discovered that this group is a PAC, funded by big tobacco, big oil, pharmaceutical companies, Monsanto and the Washington State Republican party. I was disgusted to see that they are trying to prevent Democrats from voting for Matt by spreading lies and allegations about him to other Democrats.

Don’t let this disinformation and these lies prevent you from voting for Matt Isenhower.

The 45th Legislative District Democrats have endorsed Matt for his courageous stands to close tax loopholes as a first step toward fully funding our schools. He will invest in transportation, the lifeblood of our eastside economy. And Matt will stand up against extremists in the State Senate. Sen. Andy Hill has failed to add any education funding this year, failed to support a transportation package for the last two years and fails to stand up to the extremists in his own party. Vote for Matt Isenhower for State Senate in the 45th district.

Ken Albinger, Kirkland