I take great offense to Heroin story | Letter

As a responsible grandmother who still has grandchildren living with me (I am 73 years old), I take great offense to your front-page article that most children started on opiods found in grandma's medicine cabinet.

As a responsible grandmother who still has grandchildren living with me (I am 73 years old), I take great offense to your front-page article that most children started on opiods found in grandma’s medicine cabinet.

I can tell you that as a grandmother that has fibromyalga and chronic pain condition, that not all grandparents leave medication out for people to take. I have a safe for that purpose and am very responsible with any meds in my home.

There are some people who actually need these meds and are responsible with them and you are labeling them as allowing there grandchildren to become hooked on them. This makes me very angry.

I would never let this happen nor would most caring grandparents either.

Shame on you. I have lived in Kirkland for over 40 years and have taken the Journal American all of that time. I have never read an article that has made me so angry.

I know that there is a heroin problem but I did not cause it to happen nor did most other grandparents either.

Pat Roberts, Kirkland