In 2014, state legislation (E2SSB 6552) and State Board of Education rules increased the number of credits required for high school graduation to 24 credits. High school schedules in Lake Washington School District are built around earning six credits a year. Over four years, that adds up to 24.
“With the change in credit requirements, students have less flexibility within a six period day,” said Lake Washington School District Superintendent Dr. Traci Pierce. “Students have limited opportunity to make up a credit missed or to explore subjects in more depth. The College and Career Readiness Task Force is exploring ways to create more flexibility for students through the high school schedule. They will also review school start times for elementary, middle and high school.”
The College and Career Readiness Task Force has been working since March 2015 to research and analyze these issues. The task force is made up of parents, teachers, principals and district staff. The overall purpose of the task force is to study, analyze, and make recommendations regarding impacts of the new state 24-credit requirements and the potential for a seven-period day or other ways to expand options for grades 9-12. Additionally, the task force is studying and analyzing school schedule and start time implications.
The Task Force invites parents, students and community members to a series of meetings to gather feedback on potential high school schedule models. In these one-hour sessions, after a brief introduction, attendees will learn about possible schedule changes. They will discuss the potential benefits and challenges of any options. An online survey will also be open from Oct. 10 through Nov. 4 for those who are unable to attend. Survey and feedback session results will be reported back to the Task Force as it develops recommendations around the credit and schedule options.
These community meetings will take place at the following dates/times:
· 6:30-7:30 p.m., on Oct. 19, Eastlake High School Library
· 6:30-7:30 p.m., on Oct. 26, Lake Washington High School
· 6:30-7:30 p.m., on Oct. 27, Juanita High School
· 6:30-7:30 p.m., on Nov. 3, Redmond High School
Meetings will be held in January around the second part of the Task Force’s charge, school start times. To receive regular updates on the progress of the Task Force, sign up on the College and Career Readiness Task Force page on the district website.