Sound Transit claims that Sound Transit 3 (ST3) will cost “the typical adult in the Sound Transit District an additional $169 annually.” This is only true for someone who earns a $38,856 annual income, owns a car worth $5,333 and owns property worth $186,931. Even for that individual, $169 is just the increase – the person is already paying Sound Transit $159 per year for prior approved Sound Transit projects, so the total taxes if ST3 passes will be $328 per year.
But Sound Transit’s assumptions do not accurately represent most of the individuals, families and retirees in our community. If ST3 passes, each year families will pay Sound Transit 1.4 percent in retail sales tax, 1.1 percent of their vehicles’ value in car tab taxes, and $25 for every $100,000 of property they own. This is far more than $169 for most individuals.
How much will you or your family have to pay of ST3 passes? Now you can find out at, an on-line calculator where you can find out how much ST3 will actually cost you and your family, as well as how much you are already paying.
Using the same assumptions as Sound Transit, a family in 2018 with an $80,000 income, a $500,000 home and two cars worth $15,000 each would pay Sound Transit a total of $858 per year if ST3 passes. Still worse, the taxes will grow over time, and will be in place for at least 25 years. Using the example above, in 25 years the total taxes for the family are estimated to exceed $21,000.
After 20 years of watching our traffic congestion get worse and transit service still not feasible for most trips, People for Smarter Transit have lost faith in Sound Transit’s ability to solve the transit problems facing Puget Sound with reasonable and realistic solutions. Concerned citizens are banding together to stop ST3 with the goal of having the region implement transit solutions that will truly make a difference. Find out more at
Rose Dennis, Kirkland and Smarter Transit No to ST3