State Transportation Commission to hold hearings on 520 toll increases next week

Toll rate changes for the State Route 520 bridge will be among the action items for the Washington State Transportation Commission during its meeting next week in Olympia.

Toll rate changes for the State Route 520 bridge will be among the action items for the Washington State Transportation Commission during its meeting next week in Olympia.

The meeting starts at 8:30 a.m. both Tuesday and Wednesday, May 17-18, at the Transportation Building, 310 Maple Park Ave. SE, on the Capitol Campus in Olympia. This meeting is open to the public and persons wishing to speak to the commission may do so during public comment periods at 4:45 p.m. Tuesday and at 12:15 p.m. Wednesday. Public comment will be taken on each toll rate proposal prior to commission action on Tuesday afternoon.

The commission will act to increase SR 520 bridge tolls in two steps over the next two years, with average 5 percent toll increases each year; that equates to weekday, peak period tolls increasing 20 cents each year. Other tolling topics on the agenda include a review of tolling over the past year, and an update on Interstate 405 operations and performance.

For more information about the commission and a complete meeting agenda, visit: