There’s no ‘right’ to air, water, food or health care | Letter

I don’t believe there’s a “right” to health care, therefore, I want all the sick to die.

I don’t believe there’s a “right” to air, therefore, I want everyone to suffocate.

I don’t believe there’s a “right” to water, therefore, I want everyone to drown.

I don’t believe there’s a “right” to food, therefore, I want everyone to starve.

I don’t believe there’s a “right” to housing, therefore, I want everyone to be homeless.

I don’t believe there’s a “right” to a job, therefore, I want everyone to be unemployed.

I don’t believe there’s a “right” to a minimum standard of living, therefore, I want everyone to be poor.

I don’t believe in the “right” to recreation, therefore, I want no one to relax, have fun or go to the park.

I don’t believe in the “right” to a vacation, therefore, I want everybody to work all day and year-round, 24/7/365.

Because I believe in a private social safety net rather than a government one, I am a cruel and heartless person who hates people.

If you criticize the welfare state, you will automatically be deemed cruel and unkind.

Jeff Jared,
