Houghton Bartell Drugs in Kirkland cares | LETTER

Kirkland is a great place to live and raise a family. Our family has resided here for more than 20 years and we have watched Kirkland change and grow, but still maintain that feeling of a small town.

Kirkland is a great place to live and raise a family. Our family has resided here for more than 20 years and we have watched Kirkland change and grow, but still maintain that feeling of a small town. A small town where you can walk down the street and personally know many of the merchants.

As long-time residents, we try to support our community because we want everyone to be successful and we feel honored to be able to contribute to their success. We are fortunate to have great merchants in Kirkland.

Eighteen years ago we decided as a family that we had been blessed in many ways and needed to do something that might make a difference for those who were not so fortunate. We picked a charity and for every year since that time we have raised funds through small auctions, donations, pledges and grants to try to make a difference for the unfortunate.

The business community in Kirkland has always been very supportive of our efforts and and as a result we have made a difference for many. We spend every dollar we raise directly buying for the needs and benefit of this charity.

There has been a long list of business contributors, but we want to single out one in particular that has for many years gone above and beyond all others. Besides frequenting their store, the only way we know to pay them back for their generosity is to give them some recognition. The Houghton Bartell Drugs has bent over backwards to help us.

Our cause has grown over the years and the Houghton Bartell Drugs participation has grown at our side. They keep us in mind on merchandise all year long that is at bargain values that they know we might be seeking and have given us favorable pricing to assist the cause. Their staff from top to bottom goes out of their way to make sure we are well taken care of for any of our needs. They do this because they are excited to help and contribute to the community. You might say they do this because they are making money, but I would tell you they are not at the pricing they have afforded us. They are just good people who are not only in business, but concerned about making a difference in their community also.

It is merchants like the Houghton Bartell Drugs that makes us proud to be residents of Kirkland. There is no law or ordinance that says anybody has to do anything for those not so fortunate, but we found in Kirkland people want to help. We all live in a special place. Be proud to live in a great community and support your local merchants, especially the Houghton Bartell Drugs because they care about you.
