Kirkland Parks reopens tennis and pickleball courts, public restrooms over the weekend

The state recently approved King County’s application for a modified Phase One reopening.

As a result of King County receiving approval from the state for its modified Phase One reopening application, Kirkland Parks and Community Services staff were out over the weekend reopening tennis courts, pickleball courts and restrooms.

In addition to reopening these facilities, crews are also performing any necessary maintenance and posting signage with safety guidelines. Signs will remind users that in addition to following Center for Disease Control guidance, including social-distancing and hygiene practices, sports court users must comply with the following directions:

  • Do not participate if you are feeling sick
  • Doubles play is allowed, but do not gather with more than five people outside of your household per week
  • Do not share equipment
  • To avoid congregating, please leave courts as soon as you finish your game; and
  • Use cloth face coverings when you are not playing
  • Staff will also be placing signs with safety directions at restrooms.

“We’re pleased to once again be able to offer these amenities to our community to help you get outdoors and active,” said Parks and Community Services Director Lynn Zwaagstra in a city press release. “But for them to remain open, please continue to practice good hygiene and adhere to the additional directions that are posted. We are grateful for all of the efforts our community members have undertaken to slow the spread of COVID-19 in King County. We appreciate your continued efforts so that we can continue to save lives and make progress toward fully reopening.”

For more information on what is currently open, and what could open up in the next phases of the Governor’s Safe Start Plan, please visit