Leave Park Lane car free | Letter

The city of Kirkland is such a great downtown area that is attracting some fantastic restaurants and other great businesses.

The city of Kirkland is such a great downtown area that is attracting some fantastic restaurants and other great businesses.

The work done on Park Lane has been a great improvement to the downtown environment, especially now that the work has been substantially completed. My wife and I had the pleasure of walking to our favorite restaurant on Park Lane and with our recent warm nights we sat outdoors to enjoy a nice meal. Not having cars driving and parking on the street and having it basically open for people enjoying the block is an absolute pleasure that reminded us of some of the people only blocks in Europe and other cities in the U.S.


Why not leave the street blocked to automobile traffic, if not permanently, at least through the summer as a test.


People have learned to adjust not having that one block of Kirkland available to drive and park on. Let’s keep it car free.


John Rangel, Kirkland