Lose party talking points and fix problem

Toby Nixon argues that governmental processes were designed by our founders to prevent radical changes that progressives desire, and that our economic strength and prosperity is attributed to the stability of our laws and institutions. He tells us the Republican party is protecting government limits, despite the demands of the majority. In a follow up letter he goes tit for tat, outlining the progressive actions the Republican party spearheaded that brought about radical changes. I’m confused. Can we all agree now that “progressive” is not a dirty word, and that sometimes what is required for us to grow as a nation is bold action?

Our health care system is ripe for change. Health care costs are spiraling out of control due to the large percentage of uncompensated care whose health care expenses are distributed to the rest of us, and to the unregulated whims of the insurance industry. Is it any wonder Medicare finds itself in financial distress along with the rest of the health care industry? Only when we address health care head-on will we begin to see these costs come under control for the entire health care industry. In our political debates, I would recommend we lose the score cards, drop the negative labels, forget the party talking points and start real debate on how to fix problems we know are bringing our economic prosperity to its knees.

Jennie Knapp, Kirkland