LETTER | LWSD levy affects the entire district

There may be a perception/opinion that the Capital Projects Levy on the ballot affects only the east side of the school district, but that is simply not true.

There may be a perception/opinion that the Capital Projects Levy on the ballot affects only the east side of the school district, but that is simply not true. The levy has been proposed to address overcrowding through the construction of building additions at Redmond High and Eastlake High as well as a new charter middle school. However, if this levy does not pass, the affects will be felt throughout LWSD.

If funds to address overcrowding are not raised through this levy, monies will have to be spent from the existing levy fund to purchase portable classrooms and make other accommodations. That means that there will not be money available for upgrades and improvements to any schools – no heating upgrades, no new roofs, no flooring upgrades, no field improvements, no painting, no parking lot paving, no wood ramp replacements.

If the levy fails, what will the district need to do to address overcrowding? Boundary changes? Schedule changes? Class size increases? Reduce or eliminate athletics? These decisions would have a districtwide impact. The outstanding education that LWSD students now experience would be compromised.

If you have school-age children, no matter which high school they attend or are targeted to attend, they will be best served by supporting improvements needed now by the LWSD. I urge all voters to vote yes on the LWSD Levy on Feb. 8.

Sheri Sanders, Redmond