I’m not waiting for your series on Totem Lake. I know exactly what I want to see at that location. Pick up Touchstone’s plans for Parkplace and move them lock, stock and barrel to Totem Lake.
It provides easy access from the freeway; roads that can handle the traffic without being bumper to bumper day in and day out; plenty of room for parking (above and underground); placement in an area of primarily commercial development (if hospitals and medical buildings count in that category); an elevation that can handle the multiple 8-story buildings; and an area that can take the 24/7 activity and noise without disrupting the quality of life of the surrounding area. The tax revenue coming into the Totem Lake area would benefit all of Kirkland. Parkplace could be repaired and restored as an area of neighborhood shops including a good drug store, grocery store, perhaps a small hardware/general store like we once had. Our gym could stay, as could the Starbucks and bagel shop, and a couple of good restaurants similar to what we now have. Our park would remain untouched; our great library, performance center, and neighborhood theater could continue to serve this primarily residential area. It could be a great place for expanded city offices, as well. The waterfront galleries and Marina Park could flourish as a quiet retreat, and the views of the Olympics would remain for those living east of the shopping center instead of being blocked by high rise buildings and 10 years of construction noise and mess. Surely some sort of deal could be worked out between Touchstone, the current owners of Totem Lake, and the City of Kirkland.
Roberta Krause, Kirkland