Rep. Suzan DelBene campaign releases 2014 first quarter fundraising totals

Starting 2014 with a significant level of momentum and broad support, Rep. Suzan DelBene announced April 15 that she has raised $297,640 in the first quarter of 2014 for her re-election campaign. The campaign also is reporting a cash-on-hand amount of $894,090.

Starting 2014 with a significant level of momentum and broad support, Rep. Suzan DelBene announced April 15 that she has raised $297,640 in the first quarter of 2014 for her re-election campaign. The campaign also is reporting a cash-on-hand amount of $894,090.

“The voters of the 1st Congressional District want a representative who’s working to grow our economy, strengthen the middle class and create jobs. These have been my priorities and will continue to be into the future. The strong quarter our campaign has had demonstrates that my focus on results – whether it’s getting more funds for job-training programs, helping our local farmers by passing a Farm Bill or rolling back the doubling of student loan interest rates – is resonating with voters,” said DelBene. “I’m humbled by the broad support I’ve received, and I’m eager to continue leading on issues such as immigration reform, equal pay and protecting our digital privacy, as well as other issues critical to moving our country forward and expanding economic opportunity for all.”

Today’s announcement represents the period between January 1 and March 31. For the entire 2014 election cycle to date, DelBene’s campaign has raised $1,269,591 from more than 2,200 donors, including more than 600 new donors making contributions in the first three months of this year.

For more information about Suzan DelBene, visit