Leadership Eastside (LE) has announced the selection of Kirkland resident Kate Butcher as the new Curriculum Manager for its enrichment program.
“Kate brings the perfect combination of education, business and community leadership experience to round out the LE team and lead the enrichment program. In addition, as an alumna, Kate understands the experiences of the class members and can help guide them as they navigate the difficult, yet rewarding, practice of adaptive leadership. As a board we are so excited to welcome Kate to the Leadership Eastside team,” said Chair of the LE board of Directors Jeni Craswell.
As a member of LE’s class of 2011, Butcher’s project team was a catalyst for the expansion of the King County Mental Health Court to serve the all the residents of the Eastside. Butcher has also been a community leader serving as the president for the Kirkland Wednesday Farmers Market, volunteering with NAMI Eastside as well as many other local Kirkland events, including participating in and setting up the 4th of July parade in Kirkland. Butcher says her new position with Leadership Eastside is a great opportunity to combine her passions for community and leadership development.
“Leadership Eastside’s vision of a diverse, vibrant, healthy and mutually supportive Eastside community, is expertly served by LE’s adaptive leadership approach to leader development,” said Butcher. “The challenges we face in our communities demand leaders who are informed, equipped and connected. I am thrilled and honored to be a part of an organization that develops these leaders.”
Butcher will work with the Leadership Eastside’s Curriculum Committee of facilitators, organizational development experts, and proven community leaders to deliver the three-year adaptive community leadership curriculum.
Leadership Eastside informs, equips and connects the community’s greatest assets, its leaders, to meet the community’s greatest needs through its State of the Eastside forums, the LE 3-year Adaptive Leadership Development Program, and an extensive network of people and organizations who make a difference on the Eastside. For more information, visit www.LeadershipEastside.com