Shame on city Parks; food banks not full

Three things caught my eyes in the Dec. 3 issue of the Reporter. First, I am so pleased that you reported about the great success of the “Eastside Month of Concern for the Hungry.” However, the title to the brief, “Food Banks Stocked” implies that food banks are full. There are many more people than ever in need this year. In fact, Hopelink had only 30 turkeys to lottery off to 1,300 families in need this Thanksgiving. Please consider donating food, toys, money and clothing to Kirkland Hopelink for the holiday season. Teenagers especially are in need of clothing and gifts.

Also, while it is commendable that Rep. Larry Springer is urging the administration to raise fuel efficiency standards, the 2025 deadline is a joke and sounds like rhetoric out of the mouths of auto industry lobbyists. If the political will were behind real fuel efficiency it could be accomplished far sooner.

Finally, shame on the City of Kirkland Parks Department for allowing the contractor to miss the seeding time at Juanita Bay Park. The project started in May 2009. Will this mishap delay the opening of the park past the projected 10-12 months? Is there accountability here or just an “Oh, well?”

Heidi Schor, Kirkland