Union ‘A’ High School before it became Lake Washington | A Look to Kirkland’s Past

Union "A" High School at Kirkland (KHS) stood from 1923 on the terraced hillside off Waverly Way, at the site of today's Heritage Park.

Union “A” High School at Kirkland (KHS) stood from 1923 on the terraced hillside off Waverly Way, at the site of today’s Heritage Park.

From 1945, the school was renamed Lake Washington High School. In 1950, when high school classes moved to the current Lake Washington High School, the 1923 building, called Terrace Hall, became part of the Kirkland Junior High complex.

It burned in a spectacular fire on May 16, 1973.

The late Mr. Jerry Marsh, a lifelong Kirkland native who was well-known for his many decades of community involvement, took this photo as a KHS senior, during the 1940-41 school year.

Matthew McCauley is a third-generation Kirklander and author of “A Look To The Past: Kirkland.” He is also a Kirkland Heritage Society board member.