Kirkland Council candidate Gardiner is best candidate for council | LETTER

I have personally met with both candidates for Kirkland City Council, Position 2, and discussed their background and qualifications for this office.

I have personally met with both candidates for Kirkland City Council, Position 2, and discussed their background and qualifications for this office.

From these discussions, I am convinced that Jason Gardiner is the right choice and is the best candidate for this office.

Jason brings a strong and successful business background as well as a history of service to his country. He is an individual with high ethical standards and communicates and solves problems logically and with good judgment.

He brings a fresh perspective to this office and with this, new ideas.

The thing that strikes me about Jason is his tendency to ask “why” rather than adopt the standard line of “this is the way we have always done things.” His interest is to serve the citizens of Kirkland, rather than bow to any particular special interest group.

I support Jason and urge those who supported my brief candidacy for this office to lend their support and vote for Jason Gardiner.

Chuck Hinson, Kirkland