The following is a release from the Washington State Department of Revenue:
Learn how state taxes apply to many different types of businesses by using industry specific tax guides created by the Washington State Department of Revenue (Revenue).
Thousands of users access these guides monthly. The most frequently used guides cover tax issues for out-of-state businesses, the construction industry and nonprofits. All 49 guides are on the Revenue website.
Honored by Tax Jar with a 2017 State Taxy award for “Best Industry Specific Sales Tax Guides,” these guides consolidate general tax information that applies to certain types of businesses operating in the state or selling to Washington consumers.
For instance, beekeepers may be eligible for a sales tax exemption on their honey bee purchases. Interior designers can learn when a transaction is retail or wholesale – and the tax reporting difference. Grape farmers will find out they do not need a Revenue tax registration account if they only make wholesale sales.