Alarmed at erroneous information in Voters’ Pamphlet on Prop. 1 | Letter

I am really alarmed at the erroneous information published in the Voters' Pamphlet by supporters of Proposition No. 1.

I am really alarmed at the erroneous information published in the Voters’ Pamphlet by supporters of Proposition No. 1.

The supporters in the voters pamphlet state that, “the Prop 1 Park District is a prudent investment with multiple layers of accountability, requiring annual audits, citizen oversight and voter approval of any other major expenditures”. This is a false statement.

The Metropolitan Park District will have unilateral approval authority on future park projects and increases in the tax rate to the maximum allowable. There is no citizen approval required.

I have called on these co-signers to rescind that statement publicly and so far they have not done so.

I spoke with two of them and the third one, Rick Collella, a key player in support of Prop 1 has not returned my call.

Santos Contreras, Kirkland