Another Potala condo in the Market Street Area? Not on your life!
The city planners and council have made a preemptive strike to limit any further building in that area to a density to 24 units per acre.
Yet no citizens have asked for this exemption. This area, incidentally, is home to a city council member, a planning commission member and one city planner. That brings us to Potala on Lake Street which the city wants to build at approximately 116 units per acre for a total of 143 units
This behemoth building is four stories high with two parking floors underground with 316 parking spots. It will have one driveway onto Lake Street.
Over 800 people have signed a petition opposing Potala as currently configured.
It would be eminently reasonable for the city to negotiate a much reduced number of units and then build Potala nearly the same as the Market Street limit so recently passed.
The Market Street zoning certainly smacks of “enlightened self interest.” Perhaps the rest “be damned” applies here.
J.F. Rogers, Kirkland