Bring a fresh face into the 45th District | Letter

We have a great opportunity this year to bring a fresh change to the 45th District.

We have a great opportunity this year to bring a fresh change to the 45th District. Joel Hussey has a proven track record of accomplishments in solving difficult challenges on a local level and can meet the challenges in Olympia. The Washington State House of Representatives seems to be stuck in a rut when it comes several issues, especially education. This is simply not acceptable to voters in the 45th District or our Washington Supreme Court, we can do better. As the former president of Bellevue Christian Schools, Joel understands how to increase student performance without over burdening tax payers. He also helped reorganize our Lake Washington Youth Soccer Association, which benefits more than 6,000 local youth.

Who is Joel?

Joel is local who grew up in Everett, attended SPU and UW, and has resided in our District for 19 years. He owns and operates Tailwind Capital, an aircraft leasing business in Redmond.

Joel is committed to solving gridlock in the House and is passionate about education, “It is both our moral and legal obligation to ensure that our children have the education, skills and resources necessary to meet the challenges of today’s rapidly changing world…”

Stand for Children endorsed Joel because of his, “commitment to helping all children attend excellent public schools and incredible leadership experience.”

Joel is clearly doing his part in solving our problems, now we 45th District voters need to do our part and send Joel to Olympia to get to work.

Dave Griffin, Kirkland