City services scaled, while salaries increase

If many in the community were dissatisfied with how much former City Manager Dave Ramsay was paid (at $152,000) and called for a salary reduction, I fail to understand how Triplett’s annual salary of $174,000, plus benefits is an improvement and shows consideration for the community (especially in a time when everyone is forced to tighten the belt). The whole article (in the June 23 issue) looks more like publicity for Triplett and justification for his high salary. If $174,000 is salary for what “is not a volunteer job,” how much does the city pay for a volunteer? While services get scaled down, we increase salaries for public employees? And can you publish a list of the top 50 salaries paid by the city, so that the community get a better understanding on who does what for what salary? All this should be public information and the community should be aware of it. That would be some good reporting.

Cos Iorg, Kirkland