I agree with Zita Petkus. I live in the Forbes Creek neighborhood. I walk my dog Izzie along the CKC many times per week. Izzie is always on leash as she wanders back and forth on the trail sniffing at things unseen. I reign her in when I see fellow walkers or bike riders coming towards me. I wouldn’t have a problem with bike riders coming up behind me if only they would announce themselves. The sound of tires rolling on gravel does not allow much time to react. I am afraid that one day my dog or I will be clipped by a bike rider and we’ll all will pay a price.
I suggest that the new security officers on their four-wheelers spend some time educating bike riders about the rules of the road and common courtesy. Bells and voice calls are an easy solution.
And if the bikers don’t comply, let’s hire Seattle Officer Glen Mulkey (Seattle Times front page, 7/16/15).
Bill Hoover, Kirkland