Don’t put transit on corridor | Letter

I do not support bus rapid transit on the Cross Kirkland Corridor.

I do not support bus rapid transit on the Cross Kirkland Corridor.

Our family recently purchased [a home] near the Kirkland corridor [in] October. [The corridor] was one of our purchasing points as we wanted it for our 6 year old and 10 month old for future use as we are an active family. My husband also is an employee at Urban (formerly Park place) and his bike commute is based on the corridor. We wanted to live in this city that has attracted us to having that walking community, especially since Kirkland is more like a city, the corridor offers an escapism, of nature that residents like myself value and do not want to lose.

There are many safety concerns with buses on the CKC:

It is near many parks and schools

It’s used by many school kids

It connects neighborhoods and has a lot of pedestrian cross traffic

I will oppose ST3 if it includes transit on the CKC.

Claire Gonzales, Kirkland