Questioning Rep. Roger Goodman’s support for children and public education is laughable. In a recent letter to the editor, a mother in Sammamish asserts that Kevin Haistings “believes that the legislature needs to look into vouchers, tax credits, and charter schools … ” Is she suggesting that Mr. Haistings would not only raise taxes in order to give to the rich, but take much needed funding away from public education that serves all children? That would be morally wrong. As public educators, we are proud that Washington State’s constitution requires that public education be fully funded for all children. Roger Goodman is smart enough to recognize that reallocating money from public education to private education would be a huge mistake. A simple solution benefiting a few versus all is simply foolhardy. That is why we are supporting Roger Goodman for state representative. We need a smart legislator like Goodman who looks at the big picture and who recognizes that early education for all children is critical to our economy and our community’s well-being.
Wendell Brown and Roberta Spiro, Kirkland