Everyone needs to be more careful around crosswalks | Letter

I agree 100 percent with the letter writers pleading with drivers to watch out for and respect the rights of pedestrians in crosswalks.

I agree 100 percent with the letter writers pleading with drivers to watch out for and respect the rights of pedestrians in crosswalks.

I must also encourage pedestrians to take ownership of their own responsibility when venturing out into traffic and exercise caution when crossing busy roads in crosswalks. I have observed a disturbing trend among pedestrians venturing into crosswalks without looking either way, wearing hooded sweatshirts making it impossible for them to see an approaching vehicle and/or wearing earphones making it unlikely that they could hear a vehicle heading toward them.

Pedestrian safety is a shared responsibility and a crosswalk is nothing more than lines painted on the pavement – not a safety shield. It is of little comfort, laying in a hospital (or worse) knowing you were “in-the-right.”

Mike Main, Kirkland