For several weeks now I have noticed the parking lots at Juanita Beach Park get fuller and fuller, particularly the lot across the street from the Spud’s Fish & Chips store (due west) and the east end of the parking lot on the beach side of the park.
Is the City of Kirkland establishing these lots as Park & Ride lots for commuters? They are not marked as such as of yet, which brings about the above question. I wonder what the owner of Spud’s is thnking. I have myself gone down to get fish and chips from Spud’s recently and had trouble finding a parking spot, and on one occasion turned around and went home without stopping at Spud’s, particularly on a Friday afternoon.
Also during this off-season for the Juanita Beach Park, would it be possible to make the first street into the park a one way going in (west) and the second street a one way going out (east)? During the busy summer season and when the Friday Farmers’ Market is there on Friday afternoon having to meet someone going out on the first street and in on the second street can become almost total gridlock in the park, with nowhere to go. Or could the first street into the park be expanded into the grassy area at least another car length so the traffic flow would be so much easier. Something to think about.
Ron Prokop, Kirkland