I am a citizen of the PAA and I am the owner of a business in Kirkland. I have been following the annexation issue for more than 15 years. My support for annexation is simple: better services and representation for about the same tax dollars. The police services alone are enough to get my vote. At every informational meeting I attended on annexation, a King County representative has said the county will cut our services in the future. This is one promise I believe our government will keep.
The property tax rate for Kirkland is 14 percent lower than King County. Yes, Kirkland has a utility tax. For many people the total taxes paid will be the same or less than they are paying now, even with the proposed increase. Will Kirkland raise our taxes in the future? Maybe, but I am sure King County will raise our taxes if we don’t annex. We would have a greater voice in the decision if we are part of Kirkland. Our local government would be Kirkland, and we would still have our King County representatives for regional issues. The City of Kirkland is putting annexation on the ballot and is required to inform the voters on the issue. The “for” and “against” statements in the Voter’s Guide have the same word limits. If the information about annexation appears to be positive, it’s because the facts speak for themselves. Annexation will be a benefit to the citizens of the PAA and current Kirkland residents. Kirkland became the city it is now through previous annexations. The annexation of this area is a big job. When we work together, we can build a better future for all of the Kirkland community. We have always been one Kirkland, it’s time we became one city.
Johanna Palmer, Kirkland