Have you seen any Toby Nixon campaign signs in Kirkland? | LETTER

It's 7:25 on Wednesday morning, and I just returned home after spending the night out visiting every neighborhood in Kirkland, along with my campaign manager, picking up as many of my campaign signs as we could find.

It’s 7:25 on Wednesday morning, and I just returned home after spending the night out visiting every neighborhood in Kirkland, along with my campaign manager, picking up as many of my campaign signs as we could find.

We left out only about a dozen at major intersections to express my gratitude to the people of Kirkland for their support.

It’s possible we may have missed some signs – maybe they’re tossed in the blackberries, or cut in pieces and laying flat on the ground where they’re hard to see, or posted in an unexpected place.

If anyone sees one of my signs anywhere (except those obvious ones at major intersections), please email me at toby@tobynixon.com or call me at 206-790-6377 and we’ll get it picked up promptly. Thanks!

Toby Nixon, Kirkland