Kirkland Nourishing Network is working to help feed some of the “neediest of the needy” in Kirkland elementary schools over the mid-winter school break.
1. Please take a look at the website to see if you can help:
2. Please pass this information along to your contacts that might not be already fully committed to supporting food insecurity in Kirkland.
Mid-winter is a difficult time for food support for hungry children and their families that are unconnected to existing systems, but we believe Kirkland will step up to this need. You stepped up to meet the challenge last summer, Thanksgiving, and during the long December break.
Your efforts have brought great success to closing some untended gaps in our support systems, but we haven’t closed all the gaps.
We are working with Hopelink and Pantry Packs to get connections to ongoing support and aid to move to self-sufficiency. That will take a long time, so we are working with existing gaps that have been identified by school counselors and teachers who see the needs of these children every day.
This is real need in our community, right now. You can make an immediate difference in the lives of these children and their families.
Thanks for considering these two requests. The food delivery date is Feb. 11.
Kirkland Nourishing Network