My family uses the Cross Kirkland Corridor (CKC) to take walks and ride bicycles. It is a nice feature of our community.
That being said, in all honesty, the CKC is a generally underwhelming blackberry-lined gravel path sandwiched between industrial parcels and backyards offering limited viewpoints of Lake Washington and the Olympics. The CKC would be improved and provide greater utility to the broader community by serving as a mixed-use transit/pedestrian corridor.
Upgrades to include some form or public transit would: 1) improve redundancy and reliability in comparison to 405-centric commuting routes; 2) offer convenient access to major employers along the corridor; 3) directly link existing and/or planned urban centers of Totem Lake, Downtown, and South Kirkland Park and Ride, with further connections to Bellevue and Seattle; 4) likely result in paving the CKC which would benefit bicycle commuters and disabled citizens.
I support a mixed use CKC and think it would be a win-win for our community.
Bryce Figdore, Letter