Yes, today’s world is truly frightening. We are now living in a twilight zone where truth is rejected and error is accepted, good is called evil and evil is called good, right is called wrong and wrong is called right and reality is denied. Some people today cannot even deal with the simple, inarguable, biological fact that we have been created male or female. They labor under the delusion that gender is a choice for each individual to make and that we should be able to change our biological gender at will even though the DNA in every cell of our body will still cry out male or female no matter what hormones are taken or what surgery is done.
But the most frightening thing to me is how close we are coming to giving up the basic human rights and freedoms that several generations of our ancestors have worked, fought and died for since the founding of this nation. So many people today are so determined to have their own way, and so clueless as to where their rights and freedoms come from, that they don’t seem to care if they destroy the very foundations of this nation. The horror show during the recent confirmation proceedings of Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh is a prime example.
The right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty is one of the most basic protections of our nation’s constitution and is foundational to our freedom and our system of justice. The minute that is changed to guilty until proven innocent, we will have lost our freedom and will be living under tyranny. All that will be necessary to silence or get rid of a political rival will be to falsely accuse that person of some heinous crime.
There was not one shred of actual credible evidence to back up the accusation against justice Kavanaugh. There was only the unsubstantiated accusation. Not one of the witnesses named by the accuser herself backed up her story and she admitted that she could not remember when or where this incident occurred, how she got there or how she got home. How on earth could anyone condemn a person on the grounds of such a baseless accusation? And how could anyone so accused possibly defend himself when factual evidence doesn’t seem to matter?
The only thing proven was that some people are willing to do almost anything to keep conservative, constitutional judges off of the Supreme Court of the United States. But was it worth it? In Proverbs 14:1, it says “The wise woman builds her house but the foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.”
Jane E. Peterson